Taming the Mustang Spirit: Why Martial Arts is Great for Children with ADHD

In my teaching career, I spent close to 20 years mentoring human mustangs: Smart, spastic, and energy-charged children. Some with attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some with just too much sugar in their bellies. More than a few children with ADHD bowed into my Taekwondo classes over the years. Today I can spot them […]
Bullying in School – 5 Main Reasons Why Children Should Learn Martial Arts

The most helpless feeling in the world is having a child who fears going to school because of bullying. Bullying has been around for generations, but things have evolved to a dangerous and surprisingly evil level with the help of social media. A Yale University study claims victims of bullying are 7-9% more likely to […]
Here’s How Martial Arts Can Help Your Child Achieve Optimal Physical Fitness

Kids martial arts classes can get your child into the best shape of their lives. Children today tend to be preoccupied with electronic devices that keep them distracted all day long, limiting the amount of physical activity they get daily. Childhood obesity continues to be a growing problem worldwide as children spend less and less […]